We’ll gladly assist you with any questions you may have about RFID and NFC labelling solutions. Simply call us or write to us:
+49 89 613007 80
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They need no power supply, they don’t care about wind or weather, they work as well out of doors as they do indoors, and they’re easy and quick to operate: smart-TEC RFID/NFC transponders offer everything modern mobile applications need. They’re essential tools for companies who take the mobile future seriously.
Benefits compared with conventional methods:
- Readability: no smearing, no fading, dirt doesn’t affect scanning.
- Operation: no QR code scanning or typing in website addresses.
- Longevity: immune to temperature, weather and humidity.
- Independence: power is supplied by the scanner or smartphone.
- Standard: NFC is globally standardised and readable by millions of terminal devices.